Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Happy Birthday Madison!

Madison's birthday is tomorrow! Lot's to celebrate on this last day of school. She brought in her book on Tuesday - thank you! It was thoroughly enjoyed everyone and is a beautiful memory to keep in the class.

Tuesday's Play Day Fun!

We had a great time during our Play Day yesterday. The intermediates planned various stations from drip, drip, drop to 3 legged races to bead stringing to building forts with boxes.

Monday, 22 June 2015

Tomorrow's PINK Day & Play Day!

Hello Parents!

Tomorrow we have a "Me to We" assembly and have been asked to wear pink, if possible. A number of kids in the class said they have no problems coordinating a completely pink outfit!

Periods 3 & 4 we will have a Play Day (weather permitting). We have plenty of sunscreen in the class, but please ensure your child is dressed for the weather - sun hat and comfortable clothing they can run & play in.

Math Stations

The Grade 1's Read Their Published Books To Us!

Friday, 19 June 2015

Fort Making!

Continuing Our Learning Over The Summer!

        I can't believe we have only 5 (or 4.5 days now) The time has whizzed by! I have REALLY enjoyed my time in your child's classroom! Your child has taught me a lot about the importance of curiosity, wonder, play, imagination, creativity. Your child's sense of awe spans from the tiniest of life forms to majestic towers and explosive volcanoes! Kindergarten is indeed a fun place to be!

       Over the course of the year, your child has expanded their phonological awareness (matching letters to their sounds), vowels (and discerning when they say their name and when they say their sound) and we are now working on consonant blends (th, sh, ch).

       We have learned our numbers and matched quantities with their digit representations (i.e. 9 bingo dabbers matched with the number 9); positional words (still working on our left and rights); shapes (2D and 3D shapes);patterns & sorting objects based on size, shape, colour; organizing data into tally marks and bar graphs and simple addition (some of us have began subtraction as well).

        I am compiling resources that you can access over the summer to continue your child's learning. I am making a Google Drive folder and you should be able to access it through this blog. If you would like me to print any of these resources out for you, let me know and I can do that. I didn't want to print everything because children are at different stages and not all children may require the extra practice in all areas. Conversely, some of these (particularly the Monster Math Problem Solving) are "extra challenges". Something that we do in the class is place worksheets or tracers in paper protectors (click here to see what I mean). Then your child can use a dry erase marker over top and can practice using the same sheet.

        These are all optional and not meant to tire your child over the summer. Instead, they can be viewed as extra practice or challenges. Overall, I hope this summer gives your family the chance to soak up lots of sunshine and play together!

Here is a folder with resources to refer to over the summer!

Please let me know if you have any troubles accessing these files.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

We had a very special visitor today!

A big THANK YOU to Mr. Hardy who took the time during his day off to speak with both kindergarten classes. Sergeant Hardy reminded the JK & SKs that Police Officers are just like regular Moms & Dads whose main job is to help keep us safe! He showed us some of the uniforms that Police Officers wear and even his handcuffs! We were very fortunate to have this special community helper visit us! Thank you, Mr. Hardy!

Addison & Madison's Show & Tell!

Thank you for sharing Addison & Madison.

Addison brought in a large queen conch shell. We really enjoyed feeling the smoother inside and rough outside of the shell, as well as thinking about the snail that once lived inside.

Madison brought a big collection of Shopkins. Everyone enjoyed these as well!

Erica helping us with the calendar...

Friday, 5 June 2015

My apologies for not being able to take more photos during our trip to the bowling alley. I forgot the class Ipad. I did manage to take a few photos with my phone and here they are!