Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Morning Message

Now that we have the Smartboard up and running, we have a daily interactive morning message!
Each day we come up with a yes or no question to ask the class. Students read the questions and click and drag their name into a ten frame with the answer they choose. Then we find out how many students said yes and how many said no. We find out how many more said yes than no, or no than yes by doing number sentences, using the ten frame, hundreds chart and counting bears to find the answer.
Then students come up and find Popcorn Words and Balloons Words in the question and take turns circling them.
This is an opportunity for learning through math and literacy. The students really enjoy it!  

Free Flow Fun

Monday, 28 April 2014

Wednesday and Friday- Jungle Sport

The students had an amazing time at Jungle Sport today. We will be having Jungle Sport on Wednesday and Friday period 1.
Please make sure your child has gym shoes at school for both days. You may also bring your own bicycle helmet.

Having Fun at Jungle Sport!

Jungle Sport Obstacle Course

A lot of time and effort went into setting up this obstacle course!

Jungle Sport

Waiting for instructions from the Jungle Sport Instructors.